If I were president…

If I were president I’d…

Do you ever daydream about what you’d do if you had the influence of the U.S. president? The other day I thought about how many sad families there are out there, dads drinking and abusive toward their kids & wives, kids wanting love but getting beat & neglected, wives crying for love. I see how many families are affected by alcohol & other “substances.” If I were president I’d begin speaking out about this. Something like…

I want to talk to you husbands and fathers out there. As I travel around this country I see so many great families led by hard-working men who love their wife and children. You spend time together, teaching good strong values to your children. However I also see the ravages of alcohol and substance abuse as well. Do you men realize what an influence you are in your family…for good or for bad? How your wife looks to you for protection, love, companionship? How your children look to you for love, their sense of value? I cannot understand how some guys can allow an ‘outsider’ to come in a wreck something that should be the foundation of our society…the family. The outsider? Alcohol that ruins your judgment. Drugs that remove your filter for what’s right and wrong. Instead of coming home with a kind word you come with cursing. Instead of a hug you come with a fist. Instead of making home safe, you make it a place of fear. Instead of protector, you’re the destroyer.

Guys it’s time to say “no” to this scourge of our land. It’s time to say “no” to the alcohol that ruins your family. It’s time to say “no” to the drugs that consume you the very life that should be devoted to those who love you. Forced prohibition was tried and failed. Millions of dollars are spent on drug interdiction. There will always be those who prey upon the weak. But it’s time the men of this country come to their senses and say “That’s enough!! I will not allow this ‘outsider’ to ruin my life and my family’s life any more!”

Come on men. Stop being an idiot! (Can a president say that?) Stand up and be the man you’re destined to be…the leader in your family, the husband you vowed to be, the protector of your children. Let’s begin to heal the cracks in the foundation of our country…the family.

Or something like that..

One thought on “If I were president…

  1. if only more men talked to each other/mentored each other this way. Thanks for your bold words Bill…the women of this world thank you for remindiing men of the awesome biblical roles they are called to fulfil. I pray that men can fulfil those roles and that women will gladly come alongside these men fulfilling their roles as helpers to their godly husbands.

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