Baptism Renewal


Baptism. Most of us who have a relationship with Christ have probably been baptized, whether it was as a small child and you don’t even remember it, or as an adult years ago. But does baptism have any meaning now? Do you even think about your baptism? If you’re like me, the only time you do is when you read a bible passage like Romans 6 where Paul writes, “Don’t you know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
Wait…how does baptism connect with newness of life? Can that have any impact on my life in Christ now? In fact it can, if we understand the nature of our baptism.
This is what we’ll explore in a 4 week elective on Tuesdays August 9, 16, 23, & 30. We’ll consider the meaning and effect of our baptism, ending on week 4 with a service of “Baptism Renewal.” This could just change how you walk in newness of life through your baptism.
This class will be at Cornerstone Church, 5344 Fishcreek Rd. in Stow at 7:00 PM. You can’t make Tuesdays? The first 3 will also be available online. (Check back here after Tuesday night.) Either way I hope you can join us on Tuesday August 30 for a service of baptism renewal.
If you cannot attend Aug. 9, please take a moment to complete the following survey before you watch the first video.



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