Easter vs. Christmas

Easter Sunday. Resurrection Sunday. The pinnacle of the Christian year. As much as we love Christmas with its preceding Advent season, it is Easter, preceded by Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, that defines God’s redeeming act toward His creation.

There’s something “raw” about Holy Week. Christmas has decorations, parties, too much food, too much money spent on presents, travel, dysfunctional family time, etc, and, oh yeah…Jesus’ birthday thrown in there at the end. Afterward we pack it all away for eleven months, occasionally thinking about God becoming man. However this “incarnation” truly sets the stage for Easter. I know…Easter has the Easter bunny & jelly beans. Somehow, to me, the Easter bunny runs a distant second place from Santa Claus. Easter, along with the preceding Thursday and Friday, is all about Jesus. His love for his disciples…the 12…the 120…the millions to come. His sacrifice which put that love into action, erasing our sins and crucifying the law of sin and death. The limitless power of God shown in raising Jesus from the dead, bringing us new life and power. His promise to return bringing eternal hope.

It’s the story of the cross and resurrection that carries me through the whole year. It is the reason I’m alive. The reason I can know my Creator…can have a relationship with him. Every day I experience its effects as I confess my sins, repent and experience the forgiveness that flows through Christ. Every day I experience the power of the resurrection by saying “no” to sin and death and “yes” to God. Every day I can experience the victory of Christ in the strength of His indwelling Holy Spirit. Every day I look forward to spending forever with Him in an eternal home. Truly, “death has no sting.”

This is God’s story. Through the thread of creation to incarnation to re-creation He invites us to participate in it. As much as I enjoy the gifts God has given to me, ultimately it is the worship I give to him that matters. Not so much the gift I’ve received as the gift I can give to Him.

That’s my prayer for you this Easter. Hear His story of Creation-Incarnation-Re-creation. Accept His invitation to enter into it. Then worship with your whole heart this God Who loves without limits.

A blessed Resurrection Day,

Bill Kirkwood

God’s Household

Last week I asked my church choir what they think of when they hear the word “household.” Some responses were

• Respect
• Family
• Chores
• Serving
• Dysfunctional
• Support

I asked because that morning I had read 1 Timothy 3 in which Paul is sending Timothy instructions so that he “will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.” There are several times when Paul refers to the church as God’s household. (Eph. 2:19, Titus 1:7) He attaches to this “household” a weighty title: church of the living God. No longer is the presence of the Lord God almighty focused on a temple or ark. Now He is present in His Church, His household, His very people. That’s you and me!!

What else? God’s household…His Church…is “the pillar and foundation of the truth.” Remember what Christ said about truth? Not that He brought us truth, but that He is the truth, He is the way and the life. And now that truth lives in us, members of God’s household, His Church, the “pillar…” This is an amazing thing.

What does this look like? When Jesus walked with the disciples, he imparted to them truth. After He left them, He sent the Holy Spirit to remind them of his teachings. The disciples guarded the truth against heresies and imparted truth to those around them, who passed it down through the generations. Through the early Church fathers, the dark ages, Reformers, all the way to us today. The Holy Spirit has guided the Truth all the way to us, 1980 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. As disciples and members of God’s household, we are entrusted with this precious gift of truth, not to keep for ourselves, but to continue to guard against heresy and pass along to others.

So next time you’re listening to a sermon, in a bible study group or reading on your own, realize you’re continuing a process that began all those years ago with Jesus & His disciples. Read, learn, apply, live out, and pass along. You are part of the pillar of truth.
