Sparkling Hearts

One of the first verses I memorized as a new Christian was Jeremiah 17:9,

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?


Since then I’ve heard many sermons & lessons on how bad my heart is, how if left to myself, I have no good thoughts or inclinations toward God. After years and years I have become almost untrusting of my heart, the thoughts that come from its depths, and its basic nature. It can be confusing because I believe somewhere in there, even on my own, there must be some kernel of goodness, some dormant seed of desiring God.

Last week as I was pondering this a bit more, I looked over to my bookshelf and saw a book by John Eldredge called “Waking The Dead: the Glory of a Heart Fully Alive,” given to me years ago by some dear friends. As I looked at the title I thought, “That sounds like something I need right now.” In it Mr. Eldredge reminds me that the heart is the seat of my soul, not just my emotions. The creation of the heart was not described in Genesis 3 after the fall. It was described in Genesis 1 as being “very good,” desiring God, in perfect communion with Him. That’s how God designed our heart!

The fall of the first Adam resulted in a “blanket” of sin being cast over my heart. But underneath is an awareness that there is more to this life. Like Mr. Anderson at first only vaguely aware of The Matrix around him, we know there’s something better for us. However we do not need to take a red pill to discover it. We need a relationship with the Heart-Creator of Genesis 1. He is able to throw off the blanket and reveal what our heart, and we ourselves, are designed to be.

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.      2 Corinthians 3:18


The LORD their God will save them on that day as the flock of his people. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.  Zechariah 9:16


For in my inner being I delight in God’s law;       Romans 7:22


This is God’s design for us…to be glory-reflectors, to be sparkling jewels, to delight in His word. We must realize there is an enemy (The Matrix called Satan) that wants us to live defeated, unenlightened, powerless lives that serve his dark purposes. But as we begin to live the victorious, glory-reflecting, power-filled life for which The Heart-Creator designed us, we will be the world-changers that Jesus Christ wants His followers to be.

It’s time to throw off the blanket and sparkle in His land!!

One thought on “Sparkling Hearts

  1. This is a great reminder, Bill. It comes on the heals of me listening to David Crowder’s version of He Loves Us ( which I think can really only be enjoyed at top volumes singing at the top of my lungs to Jesus—).

    I have a friend of mine I had coffee with last week that is shackled by what he calls “not-living-up-to-his-end-of-the-bargain” in his relationship with Christ…I know him well enough to know that he’s not living a lifestyle of sin, but that he doesn’t feel he’s good enough to merit an active relationship with Christ…

    We talked for a while about what God really thinks of us, despite what we do or don’t do. And about who God created us to be and restores us to as believers…

    I think Satan and the world desperately want us to live like wounded animals fortunate enough to get the table scraps of God’s love and grace…my friend seems to be here….and I know how easy it is for me to allow those thoughts to creep in, myself. Thank God for his heart so powerful that he never lets us go!

    Hope all is well with you and your family!

    In Christ,

    PS – we’ve enrolled Ce at Stow ( narrowly avoided Buchtel), she’s currently a freshman and she’s been taking piano lessons from a wonderful woman of God who just happens to be one of the most gifted musicians I’ve ever played with or worshiped with. She’s got your songwriter and worshiping heart!

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