“Are you pregnant?” I still remember asking her the question and the incredulous response to a query I thought was a conversation opener, “No!” Ok so now where do we go? She thinks that I think she’s fat! That was the end of the conversation. And the last time I’ve EVER asked that question unless I was absolutely certain!
Are you pregnant? No, not with a baby. Are you pregnant with worship? You see, whenever I receive comments about the “worship music” in my church I always become very introspective of my role in that body.
I compare what I do to a delivery room. As in a hospital, people arrive here who are ready for something (at least that’s my hope.) They have spent the week growing as disciples, developing their life of worship. They get pregnant with worship! When they arrive, they’re ready to deliver. I’ve prepared my heart and prepared the worship leaders, the preacher is ready with God’s Word, but we cannot deliver something for which those who come are unprepared. If you’re not pregnant, you cannot deliver a baby. If you’re not developing your worship life outside of Sunday morning, you probably will not worship deeply here.
My hope as a pastor of worship is that everyone will worship all the time. This can be singing in the car, studying the scripture at your table, helping in a soup kitchen. It can be in the grocery, fixing the sink, cutting the grass, studying chemistry. Then when we gather as the body of Christ on Sunday, we are all pregnant, and can all deliver a glorious celebration of God’s greatness.
Are you pregnant today?